Changing Business Reality — the Revolution of Revenue Operations

Revenue Operations is the end-to-end corporate process management of generating predictable revenue across marketing, sales, renewals, and growth by leveraging transparency and execution discipline.

Leore Spira
5 min readAug 14, 2021

We are witnessing a significant shift in the way that businesses rationalize their revenue stream. This is attributable, in part, to changes in the way people buy things. They do their own research long before a salesman contacts them. Furthermore, because subscription-based business models are prevalent, what occurs after the sale is just as essential as before.

The demand for RevOps stems from the reality that sales, marketing, and a successful customer journey are more closely integrated than ever in many B2B organizations. Revenue operations teams got formed to improve collaboration among the many departments that work with customer revenue data. The strategy’s main objective is to provide insight throughout the whole revenue team, enhance efficiency across the revenue process, facilitate revenue predictability, and reach revenue growth.

In 2021 we have seen a proliferation in many businesses and sectors of revenue business titles. In fact, over the last year, LinkedIn has grown its revenue titles in connection with revenue operations by more than 300 percent. But the future brings great promises for the worldwide Revenue Operations market, which is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 14.9 % from 2021 to 2027, from USD 172.5 million in 2020 to USD 456.2 million in 2027.

Digital and corporate strategies get tightly connected in companies with the greatest levels of revenue development. According to BCG, RevOps provide significant visible benefits, including gains in digital marketing ROI of 100% to 200% and 10% to 20% increases in sales and productivity. These companies have also observed an increase of 10% in the acceptance of leads.

What advantages do revenue operations provide to a company?

More efficiency

In this era of digital transparency, businesses must strive to improve their customer experience and revenue processes to the greatest extent feasible. At all phases, it’s critical to keep the buyer in mind to enhance efficiency, growth, and revenue. Revenue operations may improve revenue predictability and process management efficiency.

Marketers, sales teams, and customer success representatives used to work in silos for many years, each with its own tasks and objective. This structure frequently leads to logistical issues, misunderstandings, and time waste, all of which reduce the company’s total productivity. The Team RevOps will be aware of what happens at all levels of a sales funnel and will have the expertise and ability to remedy if things go wrong.

The sales members of RevOps are not the entire machine; they form one element. If things go wrong, isolating the problem from the source and making rapid repairs is easy. Conversely, if things go well, clients recognize and trust the firm with their money and eventually increase sales and sales.

Customer appreciation

There are new expectations in terms of timeliness, results, and purchasing on their terms. All of our B2C expectations apply to B2B. As a result, businesses must meet consumers where they are and deliver the outcomes-based experiences that everyone expects. The RevOps department has a 360-degree perspective of the client journey.

Their principal objective is to make the experience as smooth as possible for both the external customer and the internal staff. If formerly segregated divisions connect and collaborate, they will pay greater attention to the demands of their consumers.

A better customer journey gets facilitated by better communication and high service standards. This makes it easy for successful customer teams to realize the difference in their retail and renewal rates. Instead of concentrating only on product characteristics, intelligent firms must promote a greater user experience driven by new technologies such as automation and artificial intelligence.

Data analysis

You can forecast growth and turnover in a very simple way with a data-driven, fluid revenue machine. RevOps lead to predictable development through coherent, precise measurement and/or new tactics, facilitating a comprehensive data analysis process. Moreover, as RevOps is more synchronous, teams can adapt more effectively to changes in the market, leading to a more efficient revenue machine, providing predictable growth even in uncertain circumstances.

According to a report published by Deloitte in 2019, “organizations with the strongest cultural orientation to data-driven insights and decision-making were twice as likely to have significantly exceeded business goals.”

Main Tasks of RevOps

But what do these Revenue Operations exactly do?

· Management of operations: Evaluation of corporate policies and business processes to update procedures and improve performance.

· Enabling: Removal of impediments to connecting with clients, producing income, marketing, and customer success teams.

· Insights and analytics: generate short-term and long-term reports from various data sources to enhance workflows and interdepartmental collaboration.

· Deployment of technology: Software procurement, implementation, and maintenance in all revenue generation areas.

· Learning and growth: Continuous education for personnel, teaching them about new systems or procedures.

· Compliance and regulation: Ensure that any new workflows or systems are compliant with corporate norms and laws at the national and international levels.

Measuring success with Revenue Operations — KPIs

In order for go-to-market, executives need to make educated choices, such as the operational units that support sales, marketing, and customer success must collaborate to create data and insights that satisfy uniform standards and KPIs. All while tracking consumers as they progress through the purchase experience. After all, a proper go-to-market strategy is a concentrated, coordinated, and deliberate effort that needs participation from both the firm and the market.

RevOps primary objective is to increase revenue, primarily through predictable revenue sources. Here are some of the KPIs and indicators that may get used to holding revenue operations responsible:

· Revenue Recurring Every Year

· Customer Acquisition Cost

· Value of a customer over time

· Accuracy of Sales Cycle Time Forecast

· Renewals and upsells.

Although revenue operations planning may appear to be a complex undertaking, the advantages significantly surpass the implementation expenses. Maintain a competitive edge by utilizing real-time data to optimize your processes. Who knows what your company could accomplish!



Leore Spira

A leader, process optimizer, a RevOps geek. I am driven by the power of data, and look for new and innovative ways to optimize processes to drive success.